HAWA-Frontslide 60-100-140 The HAWA-Frontslide 60-100-140 lets you take full advantage of every functional and design-related option that modern sliding shutters have to offer. It puts on a comprehensive performance across the board thanks to its flexibility and high resilience, the smooth, quiet running properties typical of Hawa and its high-quality guiding technology. What is most significant, however, is the addition of versions for 100 kg and 140 kg to the palette. Telescopic or symmetric installations with 1 to 4 shutters operated by hand or electrically allow the installation of sliding shutters up to 3200 mm in height. • Heavy shutters are possible • Up to 3200 mm in height • Numerous forms of movement All systems in the overview (PDF): Brochure: (PDF) Productfinder: Brochure: (PDF) Productfinder: Brochure: (PDF) Productfinder: Brochure: (PDF) Productfinder: Brochure: (PDF) Productfinder: Brochure: (PDF) Productfinder: Brochure: (PDF) Productfinder: Brochure: (PDF) You can find ordering details, planning and installation instructions and prices (VIP Room) using the HAWA-Productfinder.
The Zagreb Stock Exchange web pages are using cookies to provide better user experience and functionality. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured in your web browser. HAWA-Frontslide 60/A is a dependable hardware system for manually- operated sliding shutters, with different fitting options. Attached to the ceiling or window lintel, the top track screws directly to the load.