I've burned wood all my life. Built muscles as a kid spliting logs for the stove. Still get a rush of heat if I pick up an ax. But I'm using a stove that I bought at Home Depot a few years ago and its rated as clean burn by EPA. I actually like it! It has some tubes under the smoke shelf that pull outside air in and it causes the smoke to flare off and that heat adds the heat on the top of the stove.
Hutch Rebel Wood Stove Manual Staffparadise. Country Hearth Woodburning Stove 2500 Northline Express. Dovre Stove Parts Plus Wood Gas And Pellet. Replacement Wood Stove parts, Vermont Castings stove parts, Jotul stove part, Harman pellet stove part, Coal Stove parts, Gas Stove parts, Pellet Stove Parts,.
The coolest thing is when the stove is running at temp the flue outside runs clear, no one can even tell I'm burning. And no smoky smell. Install printer hp deskjet 1000 tanpa cd dan.
My gas bill was $26 last month and that was mainly the water heater. Have three wood stoves in my place, one in main living area, one in shop and one in garage/dirtbike ATV storage and working area. Supplimentary gas heat in both shop and house for when I am traveling or away from home, but primarily heat with wood. Living in the great wooded North Central/North West Pa.(kinda between the two) wood is plentiful and cheap (five dollar permit at the National forest for deadwood, standing or fallen. One area is where a tornado came through, still might be wood left there when heaven calls. Sometimes, when too busy or too lazy, purchase from locals for $45.00 a face cord, almost not worth going out myself, paying gas costs for the truck and chain saw plus my time away from the reloading bench and the needs of the boys I mentor. They deliver right to my door, but then, the exercise is of some value as well.
I don't know what an 'EPA' stove is and prolly don't want to. I have a 'Hutch Rebel' airtight stove in the main room and a cast iron coal/wood unit with a catalytic combustor in the kitchen. According to what i have read it takes a lot of heat to combust smoke and a catalytic unit is needed in most cases. My kitchen stove will smolder along with barely any fire in the box.
The combustor unit is burning the smoke and happily glowing and putting heat in the secondary chamber. Having a smallish house with decent windows and fair insulation and tight siding most of the time the one stove is used and it is burned very low. A lot of the winter a window and/or the door is cracked open. I put in a furnace a few years ago but have never had it lit! Propane skyrocketed that year and the wife left etc. I am too poor to buy fuel now so wood is my only heat well plus a bit of electric once in a great while. With the Ash Borer bug and the Dutch Elm disease again killing elms I have a surplus of dry firewood!
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